All Peoples Justice Center- December Newsletter 2023

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December, 2023

From the Director

Rus Funk
Rus Funk Speaking at First UU of Louisville

Welcome to the December issue of Justice Center News, the monthly update from the Justice Center at All Peoples.

The Israeli attacks on Palestine continue to be a focus of my attention. I have had the opportunity recently to be in conversations with both Jewish and Palestinian friends. What I was reminded of is that when I stay grounded in my humanity, and in the humanity of the people I’m interacting with, we find places of solace and hope — even in the midst of some very hard and dark contexts. From our place of privilege and comfort in the US, we are not only witnessing, but are supporting a massacre in Gaza. It’s heart-wrenching. As I write this, we are in the midst of Hannakah, the winter Solstice is a week away, and Christmas is nearly upon us. In all of these traditions (as I understand them), we are reminded to celebrate light, while practicing being comfortable and accepting the gifts of the dark. During these times in particular, the ongoing violence seems particularly gut wrenching. I hope that we can find ways to lean into the humanity of each other as we continue to strive for a just and peaceful solution there.

As we turn towards the end of the year, its a great opportunity to reflect on the past year. 2023 was a year of growth and further development for the Justice Center. We grew our staff, we’ve grown our connections, and we’ve grown our mpact. We’re positioned well to go into 2024 to continue to make a difference, alongside you all, to improve our community as a whole. We’re growing the number of congregations with whom we’re working, and deepening our partnerships with other organizations. Your support makes all this possible! So thank-you!


As you all have heard, the Justice Center is in the midst of our end of year funding appeal. We have a goal to raise $5000 by the end of the year. Were making great progress toward this goal. If you haven’t already, please consider making an end of year gift to the Justice Center in support of our efforts and our impact.


We have some ambitions goals for 2024. We’re currently organizing several congregations to work collectively to support our city to increase their efforts to become environmentally sustainable through this year’s budget process, we’re also doing work to engage in meaningful advocacy in Frankfort on 3 key pieces of legislation (see more information on both of these below). We’re also in conversation with both the Association of Community Ministries and the newly formed Kentucky Interfaith Network about ways that we can support these entities and their members to engage in meaningful advocacy campaigns. We’re also planning a host of workshops and classes this spring (more details will be available in January). I hope to see many of you in some of these spaces in the coming year.

I continue to feel deeply blessed to be in this position and entrusted with directing the Justice Center at All Peoples.

If you have suggestions for what you’d like to see us do, questions, concerns or other feedback, please feel free to reach me at or (502)425-6943.

Metro Sustainability Efforts

The Justice Center is working to expand our sustainability efforts and increase our impact. We are working with the Louisville Office of Sustainability, the West Jefferson County Community Task Force, and a growing interfaith coalition of congregations to develop an advocacy plan for this years Metro budget process. We intend to develop a list of priorities, and then a strategy for advocating with the Mayor’s office and Metro Council to ensure the funding for these priorities in the upcoming budget negotiations. Stay tuned for ways that you can be involved in these advocacy efforts!
We are aiming to have the priorities identified by the beginning of the year, and our strategy outlined by late January. A main goal of these efforts is to support the Mayor and the Metro Council to appropriately allocate funding to ensure us as an environmentally sustainable community by 2030.
Our current coalition of congregations is growing — if your congregation would like to join us, please contact me directly. I’d love to connect you to these efforts!


The Justice Center, in partnership with our statewide network — the Kentucky Unitarian Universalist Justice Action Network — will be focusing on three main priorities for the upcoming legislative session. Our intent, through the Justice Center, will be to get the word out to the local community and provide accessible ways for you all to be engaged in the advocacy efforts.
As one example, the Justice Center is currently planning with Jefferson Community and Technical College to organize an “advocacy table” on a regular basis on their downtown campus to engage students, faculty and staff to engage in these legislative issues.
The three areas of focus will be:
1. Stop the Safer Kentucky Act
2. Continue to work on Voting Rights Legislation
3. Support the KY “Utility Bill” — legislation that will prohibit utility companies from turning off the power when it is above 90 or below 32 degrees.
We will also be keeping an eye on the Clean Slate Act — which will ease the process for people who have been evicted to get their records expunged thereby easing their ability to sign contracts, get a new place to live, etc.
The Justice Center will be working to create accessible ways for those of you who might be interested to be a part of this advocacy process. We recognize that going to Frankfort to visit legislators or testify at a hearing is something only a few of us can or want to do. And there are other ways that we all can be involved to let our opinions be heard by or elected officials. Hopefully, we can also engage in these efforts in ways that build and strenthen our relationships with each other.

For more information or to join this coalition, contact Rus.

Support the Cofan People

The International Justice Committee of All Peoples, as a part of the Justice Center, is continuing their efforts to support the Cofan People in Northern Ecuador. These indigenous people exist and care for a million acres of threatened rainforest. Their land is under threat by developers and others; and their culture and way of life is under threat by any number of forces.
The primary thrust of this initiative is to cover the costs ($250 per family) of enrollment in the Ecuadorian health plan. The funds will also cover the cost of a “Health Care Navigator” who helps get these families into this plan, and assists with the complicated process of getting people who have health care needs to health care providers.
They are planning a second trip in February to Ecuador to meet with some of the local communities that they’re supporting and deepen relationships! If you are interested in joining them for this trip, there are openings, so please contact the email below for more information!
For more information about this initiative, and to explore ways that you can be of support, contact us at

Upcoming Events and Opportunities

The Justice Center

Starting in late January, the Justice Center will be offering a series of five classes designed to develop the capacity of participants to engage in meaningful justice activism or advocacy. Each class will be designed as highly interactive, and participants can choose to attend one, some, or all. The classes include: “Relational Advocacy”, “Getting to Impact”, “Embodied Activism”, “Finding and Sustaining Joy” and “Solidarity.” More details will be available in early January.

Listen Learn Act

The Next round of the Listen Learn Act will begin on Jan 5. The idea is to engage in follow the website and engage in one racial justice effort per week. To learn more or to register go here.

LLA is also hosting a “movie night” to watch the new film about Bayard Rustin, a major force in the 1950’s and 1960’s Civil Rights movement, and recognized as they major force that lead Dr Martin Luther King to adopt the theory and practice of Nonviolence. Go here to see more about this movie night and to register.

Office of Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods:

night of remembrance







End of Year Support!
The Justice Center largest source of funding comes from individual donors. You have helped us to grow in the past year — Please consider making a generous donation by clicking on the button below to support our efforts.

Support the Justice Center

For more information about the Justice Center and our efforts,
contact Rus Funk, Director at