KUUJAN All Network Gatherings resuming in April!

ky unitarian universalist justice action network


logo for KUUJANWe are very excited to be bringing back our regular All Network Gatherings! We have an exciting schedule planned through the summer, and I hope that you’ll put these in your calendar to join us as we continue the work of building and strengthening our relationships with each other.  These All Network Gatherings are the place where we as UU’s can gather from across the state to share information, create relationships with each other and grow.

All ANG’s are from 6:30-8:00 Central/7:30 – 9:00 Eastern

and are available by zoom:  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85368854553

Our next ANG (as a reminder), will be Thursday April 20 and will focus on a report out from this year’s legislative session.  We’ll share from our experiences, explore ways to deepen our support for your involvement in the coming sessions, and explore ways to continue our efforts to support Voting Rights and Resist HB 150.

On Thursday May 11, We are THRILLED that Charles Booker, who is now the Director of the newly opened Office of Faith and Community Services in the Governor’s office will join us.

On Thursday June 15, Rus Funk and Eric Huffer will facilitate a conversation about our continued efforts to support voting rights, and resist 150

On Thursday July 13, we’ll use the ANG to reflect on GA this year, and a discussion on Article 2

The ANG on Thursday Aug 17 will focus on our GOTV plans

There are lots of reasons to join the ANG, and I hope to see many of you at these upcoming opportunities. If you have thoughts or ideas of other topics that we can explore, please let me know directly at rus@kuujan.org.

Supporting our Work

We have received a challenge grant. Right now, if you donate to support KUUJAN your contribution will be doubled (up to $4500). Please click on the donation button below and support our efforts. The sooner we meet the challenge, the sooner we’ll be able to secure these additional funds to support our impact.



Kentucky UU Justice Action Network | tbd | info@kuujan.org