October: Four Week Anti-Racism Challenge- share your progress and ideas in discussion group at All Peoples!


Hello Friends,

I am writing to invite you to a new class that is offered at All Peoples Congregation in the Hearth Room, from 10:30 to noon, each Friday in October, starting October 7th.  We held a similar class in July, and this version will have new readings and activities.  You are invited to attend all four weeks or any weeks that you are available.  We will meet to discuss our own experiences in relation to the articles, movies and activities described below.
To join us, please respond to this email to let me know you will be attending and  Sign up here to start receiving the weeking email activities.  Any questions?  Just ask…
We looking forward to being together,
Roxanne & Elwood Sturtevant, Ellen Bishop & Rus Funk
Discussion facilitators

Take the ARC Challenge!

The 4-week Anti-Racism Challenge begins October 1st

This is how it works…

The ARC begins with the first email on Saturday, October 1st. Each Friday morning through October, we’ll send an email with a list of 10-12 suggested anti-racism activities for you to choose from. These range from reading an article, calling an elected official, making a donation, watching a film by Black artists, patronizing a Black business, attending a rally, etc.  To participate, we ask that you complete 2-3 anti-racism activities per week during a 4-week period. We, at All Peoples, will meet as a group on Fridays in October to discuss our experiences in connection with the given materials.
You can cut and paste this link into your browser, in case the blue link above does not work.






4-Week Anti-Racism Challenge (ARC)

WEEK 1:    October 1 – 7, 2022

Complete at least 3 of the suggested activities below during the next week. You don’t need to report back, but can keep track of your progress with the tracking tool at the bottom of the list.

LEARN: Register for Metro United Way’s upcoming event: Beyond Buzzwords, “I Too Am America” On Loving and Leading Black Men & Boys, with Shawn Dove. October 11th ; 12:00 – 1:15 pm. The event will be virtual.


WATCH: CIVIL, documentary on Ben Crump, lawyer for the families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Black farmers, and “banking while Black victims.” Streaming on Netflix.

READ: NY Times: 200 Years Later, The City of Charleston Honors The Attempted Slave Uprising led by Denmark Vesey


REGISTER: Join us and author Emily Bingham as she reads from and discusses her new book, My Old Kentucky Home. Also appearing, guest youth hip-hop group, The Mighty Shades of Ebony. Register for this free event here:


READ: “Truthout” article examining the recently revealed information that police lied to get the warrant to enter Breonna Taylor’s home the night she was killed.


ATTEND: Apeirogon Story Exchange, Conference and Music Video Release–a night of food, amazing entertainment, and empathy building techniques through storytelling. Entertainment by youth hip-hop group from W.E.B. DuBois Academy. Muhammed Ali Center October 7, 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. More info and register here: https://19291.blackbaudhosting.com/19291/Justice-League-LOU-Music-Video-Release

WATCH: “Making Black America: Through the Grapevine,” produced by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. on PBS, October 4 at 9 p.m. Eastern Time https://www.pbs.org/weta/making-black-america/

VISIT: The SEEK (Struggles for Emancipation and Equality in Kentucky) Museum, located in Russellville. SEEK is made up of several buildings in two areas of Russellville; it tells the story of slavery and Jim Crow in Western Kentucky and beyond while also teaching about several important African Americans from the area, most notably journalist Alice Allison Dunnigan


DONATE/VOLUNTEER: The Hope Buss and Hope Village Safe Outdoor Space. Learn more here. https://www.thehopebuss.org/

  • make a one-time or monthly donation to The Hope Buss:
  • drop off food and other supplies on Thursdays at The Hope Village (Maybe get a friend to join you!) They need cleaning supplies, including brooms and dust pans, Pine-Sol and bleach, as well as push brooms; 55 gallon trash bags; individually wrapped snacks such as chips and nuts; powdered gatorade and lemonade mixes, etc.

Drop off times: Thursdays from 10 a.m.to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Place: 212 E. College Street. Take all donations to the carport door in the alley.

READ: The Atlantic article by Ta-Nehisi Coates,’ “Slavery Made America


VIEW: This recording of our Listen Learn Act class on Health Equity in Louisville given on 9/20/2022 by Dr. Karen Kriggers who is a doctor and professor at UL Health, and Director of Health Equity at U of L’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion:


Passcode: $Ti*C8d9

SUPPORT: Visit Abol Coffee Shop – a Black owned Ethiopian coffee shop at 102 1/2 Cannons Lane, Louisville, KY 40206


CREATE:  Your own anti-racism activity. If you like, please share it with us at dikerrigan@listenlearnact.org so we can pass the idea on to others.

CONNECT: Invite a friend to the 4-week ARC. Just send them this link to sign up!


Thank you for your commitment.

Debbi and Di, Earth & Spirit Center

Use the link below to copy or download the ARC Tracking Tool:



Listen. Learn. Act.