“The Country Where You Live Now”- poetry by Jean Tucker

The Country Where you LIve Now

On October 9, 2022, Green River Writers conducted a service devoted to the works of Jean Tucker who passed away in 2020. Jean was a long term friend of All Peoples and attended regularly.  At that service, we announced that we were putting together a book of Jean’s poetry and that it should be ready in the spring. A number of her friends and fans expressed interest. After delays, it is finally finished and is now on sale at Amazon under The Country Where You Live Now. The book description is:

The Country Where you LIve Now

Jean Tucker, a widely published poet who spoke French and German, met her biggest challenge when her life’s partner, Bill Martinez, succumbed to dementia and slowly faded away. Her poems about this experience joined a lifetime’s work–poignant poetry about her ESL students and the trauma of forced immigration, travel, and humor where spoons and old cars speak. Two years after Bill died, Jean joined him suddenly, leaving boxes of poems to five friends. In a labor of love, we give you this gift of Jean’s life.
The book also references Jean’s UU values.  Please let the congregation know that this book in now available.
Much thanks,
E. Gail Chandler, All Peoples